Wednesday, April 9, 2008


i guess i have to blog about technology. you know what i think about technology? i like it. and for all you people who don't like it, then stop reading this. because if it weren't for technology, you wouldn't be reading this. instead, you would be reading a book next to a candle. and that's only if you had the technology for a printed book and a wax candle. if there was absolutely NO technology, then you'd be wearing animal skin and living in a cave. today, we have cell phones and internets and webcams and all that fancy stuff. some people say things like, "oh, there was a time when there weren't any cell phones and internets and they got through life". they may've gotten through life, but their lives probably sucked. i mean, they probably didn't mind it, but now that we have all this stuff, why live without it? people from a hundred years from now are probably gonna think that we had it bad. "those people in the early 2000's didn't have jetpacks? how did they live their lives?!" i can go on forever, but i'd rather not.

1 comment:

aviewaskew said...

hello mr jackson

so true, can't argue with your logic :}
So great to see you blogging, the world could use your optimisium, wisdom and pure gentleness.
It has been a pleasure working with you Jackson, you are an old soul.
your friend,